Product Details

Ora-Ol Tooth Paste


It is useful in prevention of dental carries, foul smell, gum swelling, Sensitivity , Gum (Periodontal) Disease and make your teeth and gums strong.

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Ora-ol contains anacyclus, acacia,neem, khadiracacia, mimosops, barleria, quercus, alatum,embelia, aspera, juglans, cordifolia, phitkari,mentha piperata and salt.

It is useful in prevention of dental carries, foul smell, gum swelling, Sensitivity , Gum (Periodontal) Disease and make your teeth and gums strong.

Use:- For better results use Ora-ol twice, daily in the morning and before bed time or as directed by the dental physician. Children below 6 year should use peanut size quantity.

Additional information


100 grams, 20 grams