Amritarishta is an ayurvedic medicine used for the treatment of chronic fever, typhoid fever, and other infectious diseases. It is a natural immunity booster and increases non-specific immunity. It helps the body to fight off bacterial as well as viral infections.
Dose:- 10 to 30 ml. mixing water twice a day after meals.
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As its name reflects, one oil for all pain related to arthritis , eczema, ringworms, chest pain as well as cold and cough.
Indicated in retarded growth, lack of stamina and low appetite, delayed performance, run down condition and post illness weakness. It is also a powerful rejuvenator for health and nervous system.
Himalayan Berry is an excellent source of vitamin C. This fruit nectar is the best for all age groups as it contains zero cholesterol.
₹180.00Add to cart
This medicine helps in all thyroid related disease such as goiter, both types of thyroids and glandular. Promotes release of thyroxin( T4) and triodothyronine(T3) hormones from thyroid glands. Helpful in deficiency of iodine.
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