Detox Tea
Detox TeaDetox tea helps you in weight loss Management. Control obesity. It promotes relaxed state of mind. This is an excellent energy booster.
Vrihad Manjisthadi Qwath
Vrihad Manjisthadi QwathVrihad Manjisthadi Qwath
Vrihad Manjisthadi QwathTriphala Vati
Triphala VatiTriphala Vati
Triphala VatiShilajatwadi Vati
Shilajatwadi VatiShilajatwadi Vati
Shilajatwadi VatiFrequently recommended in urinary tract infection,checks passing of albumin & sugar in urine. Used to treat prameha including diabetes.
CholastrofitIt is a highly effective medicine for reduction-control of cholesterol and heart disease-obesity and allied complaints.
Lavangadi Vati
Lavangadi VatiLavangadi Vati
Lavangadi VatiHim Sureshwari Hair Oil
Him Sureshwari Hair OilHim Sureshwari Hair Oil
Him Sureshwari Hair OilRelieves headache, helpful in sound sleep. An active memory aid, removes tiredness, and prevents premature hair fall.
AshwagandharishtaThe drug is an ideal restorative and nervine tonic, recommended for relieving tension, anxiety, loss of memory, epilepsy, mania and various other mental affections. It is very useful in general weakness, nervine debility and is indicated as a tonic in geriatrics.
Chyawanvita Gold
Chyawanvita GoldChyawanprash can amazingly promotes lung power. Chyawanprash helps to balance the three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. It improves Digestion and Metabolism.